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1. **清洁**:定期清洁佛像,以保持其清洁和神圣。可以使用柔软的布料轻轻擦拭,避免使用含有化学成分的清洁剂。

2. **香烛**:在佛像前摆放香烛,表示虔诚和敬意。香烛可以是香炉中的香,也可以是蜡烛。

3. **鲜花**:摆放鲜花是供奉佛像的常见方式之一,表示对佛的敬意和欢迎。

4. **供品**:放置水果、糕点或其他食物作为供品,表示虔诚和敬意。

5. **礼拜**:定期或在特殊的日子里进行礼拜,向佛祖祈福、祈求保佑。

6. **经书**:放置经书或佛经在佛像附近,表示对佛法的尊重和信仰。

7. **诵经念佛**:定期或不定期地诵经念佛,向佛祖祈福,净化心灵。



Means of consecrate of figure of Buddha because of times and district different. Generally speaking, the means of consecrate figure of Buddha includes the following:

1.** clean ** : Fixed and clean figure of Buddha, with maintaining its cleanness is mixed divine. Can use soft cloth to be wiped gently, avoid to use the cleaner that contains chemical part.

2.** of ** joss sticks and candles: Joss sticks and candles is put before figure of Buddha, express to be mixed piously devoir. Joss sticks and candles can be censer medium sweet, also can be the candle.

3.** flower ** : Putting a flower is one of familiar pattern of consecrate figure of Buddha, express the devoir to Buddha and welcome.

4.** offerings ** : Place fruit, cake or other edibles to serve as offerings, express to be mixed piously devoir.

5.** chapel ** : Fixed or religious service has in special day, to Budda pray blessing, invocatory bless.

6.** of ** Confusion classics: Place Confusion classics or sutra to be near figure of Buddha, express the esteem to power of Buddha and belief.

7.** of pray to Buddha of ** Song classics: Fixed or nonsked Song classics pray to Buddha, to Budda pray blessing, purify the heart.

Above is a few familiar consecrate pattern only, actually, because tradition of district, religion is mixed,the means of consecrate figure of Buddha still is met the individual is devotional and differ somewhat.
