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Consecrate avalokitesvara need is respected and devotional. Above all, you can choose a quiet place to put avalokitesvara resembling or picture, had better be the corner with the one quiet and auspicious place in the home. Next, the offerings such as censer, sweet, water, flower and fruit is put on altar. Time everyday undertake making offerings to, can choose time each or according to individual timeline. When consecrate, want a heart to put devotional, cordial ground prays, express oneself desire and the feeling that be thankful. In addition, can cooperate to recite cuss of avalokitesvara Bodhisattva heart or lection, increase the merits and virtues that make offerings to and result. The most important is, should maintain benevolence goes mildly, with the mercy of Bodhisattva of avalokitesvara of travel of real operation carry out and wisdom.
