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1. **清洁整理:** 首先要确保遗像清洁整洁,可以定期用柔软的布轻轻擦拭,保持干净明亮。

2. **供奉台或神龛:** 在家中设置一个专门的供奉台或神龛,放置先人遗像,并配以鲜花、香炉、香烛等供品,表示对先人的尊敬和怀念。

3. **定期祭祀:** 按照家族传统或个人习惯,定期举行祭祀仪式,表达对先人的思念和祝福,可以选择逝者生日、忌日或传统节日等时机。

4. **孝顺供奉:** 除了祭祀外,也可以通过孝顺行为来供奉先人,比如承担起家庭责任、尊敬长辈、传承家族文化等。

5. **心诚祷告:** 在供奉的时候,可以心诚意正地向先人祈福,表达自己的感激和愿望,让先人在天之灵得到安慰和祝福。



Consecrate forefathers portrait of the deceased is a kind of kind that expresses devoir and yearning, it is a few common methods below:

1.** cleanness arranges: ** should ensure cleanness of portrait of the deceased is neat above all, can use soft cloth to be wiped gently regularly, keep clean bright.

2.** consecrate stage or shrine: ** installs a special consecrate stage or shrine in the home, place forefathers portrait of the deceased, deserve to wait for offerings with flower, censer, joss sticks and candles, express the respect to forefathers and yearning.

3.** is fixed and sacred: ** is used to according to familial tradition or individual, hold sacred ceremony regularly, convey the longing to forefathers and blessing, can choose the opportune moment such as birthday of the person that die, the anniversary of the death of a parent or traditional festival.

4.** filial consecrate: ** besides sacred outside, also can arrange behavior to come through filial piety consecrate forefathers, assume elder member of family of responsibility of build up front courtyard, respect, inheritance for instance familial culture.

5.** heart sincere prayer: ** is in consecrate when, can heart sincerity to forefathers pray blessing, express oneself gratitude and desire, let forefathers get comfort and be beatificed in Tian Zhiling.

The means of consecrate forefathers portrait of the deceased wait because of culture of familial habit, district and differ somewhat, the most important is to be able to convey the respect that gives pair of parting dear ones and yearning.
