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1. 准备供品:可准备新鲜水果、鲜花、香烛、甘露饮料等,表示虔诚和尊敬。

2. 找一个干净整洁的地方:选择一个安静清净的地方,最好是离开厨房和卫生间等地方较远的位置。

3. 摆放供品:将准备好的供品摆放在供桌或供台上,可以摆放金牌和其他供品在同一位置。

4. 心诚诵经:在供奉文殊菩萨金牌的时候,可以诚心念诵文殊心咒或其他经文,表达虔诚的心意。

5. 点燃香烛:点燃香烛,向文殊菩萨金牌致敬。

6. 敬香礼拜:在供奉完毕后,可以合十向文殊菩萨金牌行三礼,表示敬意。

7. 维护金牌:定期清洁金牌,并保持心怀敬意。



Means of consecrate of gold of article different Bodhisattva includes the following measure normally:

1.Plan offerings: Can prepare beverage of fresh fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles, manna to wait, express to be mixed piously respect.

2.Look for a clean and neat place: Choose a quiet and kosher place, had better be to leave the position with kitchen and the further place such as toilet.

3.Put offerings: Put ready offerings in altar or go up for the stage, can put gold and other offerings to be in same position.

4.Heart sincere Song classics: In gold of Bodhisattva of consecrate article different when, can recite cuss of article different heart or other lection in earnest, express devotional intention.

5.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, to Wen Shu Bodhisattva gold greets.

6.Respect popular religious service: After consecrate ends, can put the palms together salutes to gold of article different Bodhisattva, show respect.

7.Safeguard gold: Fixed and clean gold, retain cherish respect.

Gold of Bodhisattva of consecrate article different is a kind of devotional expression, want to undertake with devotional state of mind and deferential means.
