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1. **选择适当的供品**:通常包括水果、糖果、酒、香烛等,也可以根据自己的喜好和财神的传统习惯选择。

2. **准备供桌**:在家中选择一个清洁的地方设置供桌,上面摆放红色布或纸,以示吉祥。

3. **摆放供品**:将准备好的供品摆放在供桌上,可以用特制的器皿或盘子,以示尊重。

4. **燃香点烛**:点香燃烛,烛火象征着心诚则灵,可以为财神献上虔诚的祈祷和愿望。

5. **祈祷致敬**:在供桌前合十,闭目默祷,表达对财神的尊敬和祈求。

6. **定期供奉**:根据个人的信仰和传统习惯,选择每日、每周或每月供奉一次。



The means of consecrate of the father that enrol money because area and individual are devotional and differ somewhat, but include the following measure normally:

1.** chooses proper offerings ** : Include fruit, candied, wine, joss sticks and candles to wait normally, also can mix according to oneself be fond of the traditional custom option of mammon.

2.** prepares altar ** : The place that chooses a cleanness in the home installs altar, gules cloth or paper are put above, in order to show lucky.

3.** puts offerings ** : Put ready offerings go up in altar, can use tailor-made household utensils or dish, in order to show respect.

4.** lights the sweet ** that burn candle: The dot is sweet burn candle, candlelight is indicative heart sincere clever, can go up to pray piously with be being displayed for mammon with the desire.

5.** prays greeting ** : In the put the palms together before altar, shut eye contemplation, the respect that expresses pair of mammon and invocatory.

6.** of ** fixed consecrate: According to the individual's belief and traditional habit, choose daily, weekly or every months of consecrate.

Above is general consecrate pattern only, specific still need to undertake adjustment according to local tradition and individual belief.
