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1. **准备清洁**:在供奉拉胡佛牌之前,确保手和身体清洁。可以洗手或使用香水清洁。

2. **选择供奉位置**:选择一个安静、清洁、尊敬的地方供奉拉胡佛牌。这个地方应该远离杂物和污垢。

3. **准备供品**:可以准备一些香、花、水果或其他食物作为供品。也可以准备一些香烛来点燃。

4. **心诚供奉**:在供奉时,心诚意正,表示尊重和信仰。可以轻轻地合十,默念心中的祈愿或祷文。

5. **点燃香烛**:将香烛点燃,表示对拉胡佛的尊敬和敬意。可以在点燃香烛时默念祈愿。

6. **摆放拉胡佛牌**:将拉胡佛牌放在供奉位置上,可以放在一个特制的供奉盘或垫子上。

7. **持续供奉**:定期进行供奉,保持对拉胡佛的信仰和尊敬。



A kind of Buddhist amulet that card of the Buddha that pull moustache is Thailand popularity, certain ceremony and note need when consecrate. It is common consecrate step below:

1.** prepares clean ** : Before consecrate plays card of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad Buddha, ensure hand and body are clean. Can wash his hands or use perfume cleanness.

2.** chooses consecrate position ** : The local consecrate that chooses a quiet, cleanness, respect plays Hoover card. This place should is far from sundry with bilge.

3.** prepares offerings ** : Can prepare a few sweet, flowers, fruit or other edibles to serve as offerings. Also can prepare a few joss sticks and candles to ignite.

4.** heart sincere consecrate ** : When consecrate, heart sincerity, express esteem and belief. Can gently put the palms together, silent reads aloud a heart medium invocatory or prayer.

5.** ignites ** of joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, show the respect to pulling Hoover and respect. Can read aloud in the silent when igniting joss sticks and candles invocatory.

6.** puts ** of card of the Buddha that pull moustache: Put shop sign of the Buddha that pull moustache in consecrate locally, can put in a tailor-made consecrate dish or on cushion.

7.** lasts consecrate ** : Undertake consecrate regularly, retain the belief to pulling Hoover and respect.

Those who need an attention is, in when consecrate plays card of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad Buddha, wanting to maintain a heart mix piously respect, this is the most important.
