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1. **选择适当的位置**:在家中或办公室选择一个安静、清洁的地方供奉文昌神。最好是书房或办公桌上,以示对学业的重视。

2. **准备神像**:选择一尊文昌神的神像或画像,可以是木雕、石雕或者印刷品。确保神像符合你的审美和信仰。

3. **摆放神像**:将文昌神的神像放置在一个整洁的台子或架子上,并确保神像面朝向东方,因为东方是知识和学业的象征。

4. **献上供品**:在供奉神像的台子上摆放一些供品,如水果、茶水、鲜花或糖果,表示对神灵的尊敬和感恩之情。

5. **祷告和祈愿**:每天或每周定期向文昌神祈祷,表达对学业、考试或工作的祈愿和期望,请求神灵的庇佑和指引。

6. **保持虔诚**:供奉文昌神不仅仅是一种仪式,更重要的是保持虔诚和诚心。在学习或工作中,努力奋斗,同时保持谦虚和感恩之心。



Article prosperous god is the god of the school work in Chinese traditional culture, god of consecrate article prosperous can adopt the following measure:

1.** chooses proper positional ** : Be in the home or the prosperous of local consecrate article that the office chooses a quiet, cleanness is magical. Had better be study or desk go up, in order to show the attention to school work.

2.** prepares God ** : Choose the God of god of prosperous of one honour article or picture, can be woodcarving, stone carving or presswork. Those who ensure God accords with you is aesthetic with belief.

3.** puts God ** : Wen Chang magical God is placed go up in a neat desk or frame, ensure God look out is eastward, because of east be knowledge and school work is indicative.

4.** displays on offerings ** : A few offerings are put on the desk of consecrate God, be like fruit, boiled water, flower or candy, express the respect to deities and the feeling that be thankful.

5.** prayer and invocatory ** : Everyday or pray to article prosperous god regularly every week, those who convey pair of school work, exam or job is invocatory with expectation, request deities bless and how-to.

6.** maintains devotional ** : God of consecrate article prosperous is a kind of ceremony not just, more important is to keep devotional with sincere desire. In learn or working, make arduous efforts, maintain modesty and the heart that be thankful at the same time.

Carry above kind, you are OK deferential consecrate article prosperous is magical, expect him bless and help, aid you to obtain better result in school work or job.
