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1. 准备供品:可以准备一些鲜花、水果、香烛、香炉等物品,作为供奉的礼物。

2. 准备祭坛:选择一个清净的地方,摆放一张桌子或祭坛,用干净的布或纸巾覆盖,以供放置供品。

3. 心诚诚心:在供奉的过程中,保持虔诚的心态,表达对通天教主的敬意和信仰。

4. 点燃香烛:点燃香烛,表示对通天教主的尊敬和祈愿。

5. 诵读经文:可以诵读相关的经文或祷文,表达虔诚的心意。

6. 祈祷祈愿:向通天教主祈求保佑和指引,表达自己的愿望和祈求。

7. 结束供奉:供奉结束后,可以保持心中的虔诚,继续信仰和奉行通天教的教义。



The way that hierarch of consecrate exceeding lofty or great teachs includes the following measure normally:

1.Plan offerings: Can prepare the article such as a few flowers, fruit, joss sticks and candles, censer, as the gift of consecrate.

2.Prepare altar: Choose a kosher place, put a piece of table or altar, enclothe with clean cloth or paper towel, place offerings in order to offer.

3.Heart sincere sincere desire: In the process of consecrate, maintain devotional state of mind, express the devoir of hierarch of pair of exceeding lofty or great and belief.

4.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, the respect that shows hierarch of pair of exceeding lofty or great and invocatory.

5.Chant lection: Can the lection related chant or prayer, express devotional intention.

6.Pray invocatory: Petition to hierarch of exceeding lofty or great bless and how-to, the desire that expresses oneself and invocatory.

7.End consecrate: After consecrate ends, in can maintaining a heart devotional, continue belief and the doctrine that pursue teaching of exceeding lofty or great.

Those who need an attention is, hierarch of consecrate exceeding lofty or great teachs is behavior of a kind of religion, should respect belief and doctrine, abide by corresponding formal with the standard.
