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1. 准备水果:选择各种鲜艳、新鲜的水果,如苹果、橙子、梨子、葡萄等。最好选择财神喜欢的颜色,比如红色或金黄色的水果。

2. 准备供品:在供奉时,可以准备一些香烛、鲜花、红纸或金箔等作为供品。

3. 摆放水果:在供奉台或祭坛上摆放水果,可以用盘子或托盘整齐地摆放。如果条件允许,可以选择摆放在财神像前或供桌上。

4. 补充供品:在水果旁边摆放香烛、鲜花等供品,并点燃香烛以示尊敬。

5. 祈祷致意:在供奉时,可以诚心祈祷财神保佑自己财运亨通,家庭平安,事业顺利。

6. 保持清洁:定期更换水果,保持供奉的干净整洁,以示诚意和尊敬。



Consecrate mammon fruit can adopt the following measure:

1.Prepare a fruit: Choose all sorts of bright-coloured, fresh fruits, wait like apple, orange, pear, grape. Had better choose the color that mammon likes, for instance the fruit of red or golden yellow.

2.Plan offerings: When consecrate, can prepare a few joss sticks and candles, flower, red paper or gold foil to wait as offerings.

3.Put a fruit: The fruit is put on consecrate stage or altar, can put trimly with dish or tray. If the condition allows, can choose to put be before money God or on altar.

4.Compensatory offerings: The offerings such as joss sticks and candles, flower is put by the fruit, ignite joss sticks and candles to be respected in order to show.

5.Pray present one's compliment: When consecrate, can pray in earnest mammon blesses be prosperous of him money carry, the family is restful, the career is successful.

6.Keep clean: Change regularly fruit, those who maintain consecrate is clean and neat, in order to show sincerity and respect.

Above is consecrate mammon fruity basic measure, the hope is helpful to you!
