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1. **供桌或供台:** 在房屋内选择一个清洁整齐的地方,摆放供桌或供台。这个地方通常是房屋的客厅或家庭祭祀室。

2. **香炉:** 在供桌或供台上放置香炉,用来点燃香火。香炉可以是瓷器、铜器或其他材质制成的。

3. **香:** 放置不同种类的香,通常有细香、粗香、沉香等选择,根据个人喜好或信仰选择使用。

4. **烛台:** 如果有条件,可以在供桌或供台上放置烛台,用来点燃蜡烛。

5. **神像或神符:** 如果信仰特定神灵或神祇,可以在供桌或供台上摆放相应的神像或神符。

6. **水果、鲜花或其他供品:** 一些家庭也会在供桌或供台上摆放水果、鲜花或其他供品,作为虔诚的祭品。

7. **家谱或祖先牌位:** 如果是祭祀祖先,可以在供桌或供台上摆放家谱或祖先牌位。

8. **经书或经文:** 一些人会在供桌或供台上摆放经书或经文,进行诵经或祈祷。



Building consecrate burning incense is put commonly according to the devotional zephyr common of individual or family. A few common practices include:

1.** altar or offer a desk: ** chooses a clean and orderly place inside the building, put credence or offer a desk. The sitting room that this place is a building normally or family are sacred room.

2.** censer: ** is in altar or for censer is being placed on the stage, with will ignite burning incense. Can china, bronze ware or other material make censer character.

3.** is sweet: What ** sets different sort is sweet, have normally fine sweet, thick the choice such as sweet, agalloch eaglewood, choose to use according to individual be fond of or belief.

4.** candlestick: If ** is conditional, can be in altar or for candlestick is being placed on the stage, with will ignite the candle.

5.** God or divine accord with: If ** is devotional specific deities or divine Dai , can be in altar or for corresponding God or divine magic figures drawn by Taoist priests to invoke or expel spirits and bring good or ill fortune are being put on the stage.

6.** fruit, flower or other offerings: A few families of ** also can be in altar or for fruit, flower or other offerings are being put on the stage, as devotional oblation.

7.** family tree or ancestral memorial tablet: If ** is sacred ancestor, can be in altar or for family tree or ancestral memorial tablet are being put on the stage.

8.** Confusion classics or lection: A few people of ** can be in altar or for Confusion classics or lection are being put on the stage, have Song classics or pray.

The way that puts burning incense is OK because of area, belief and individual be fond of differ somewhat, the key is to keep devotional with devoir.
