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1. 准备供品:可以准备鲜花、水果、香烛、茶叶、糖果等供奉物品。

2. 准备香炉:使用香炉来燃烧香火,以示虔诚。

3. 清洁神台:将供奉武财神的神台或神龛彻底清洁干净,以示尊敬。

4. 摆放供品:将准备好的供品摆放在神台上,可以根据自己的喜好和传统习惯来摆放。

5. 点燃香火:点燃香烛,向武财神行香,表示诚心祈求神明保佑。

6. 祷告祈求:可以虔诚地祷告祈求武财神保佑家庭平安、生活顺利、财运亨通。

7. 虔诚供奉:每天都可以保持神台的清洁,并定期供奉香火,以示虔诚。



The means of mammon of fierce of consecrate of wet Shan area and other place may differ somewhat, but can undertake according to the following measure normally:

1.Plan offerings: Can prepare the consecrate article such as flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles, tea, candy.

2.Prepare censer: Use censer will light fire of burn joss sticks, in order to show devotional.

3.Clean mind table: The divine table consecrate fierce mammon or shrine are thoroughly clean and clean, in order to show respect.

4.Put offerings: Put ready offerings go up in divine table, can be put according to oneself be fond of and traditional habit.

5.Ignite burning incense: Ignite joss sticks and candles, travel of Xiang Wu mammon is sweet, state sincere and invocatory deities is blessed.

6.Devotional and invocatory: Can piously mammon of devotional and invocatory fierce blesses a family restful, life be prosperous of carry of successful, money.

7.Religious enshrine and worship: What can carry divine station everyday is clean, burning incense of fixed consecrate, in order to show devotional.

Those who need an attention is, the specific and consuetudinary likelihood of consecrate fierce mammon because of the area different, can undertake adjustment according to local tradition and habit.
