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1. **泰山石**:在供奉台上放置一块泰山石,象征着泰山的稳固和庄严。

2. **香炉和香烛**:在供奉台上放置香炉和香烛,点燃香烛,以表示虔诚和敬意。

3. **水果和食物**:摆放一些新鲜的水果和食物,表示供奉者的诚心和谢意。

4. **鲜花**:摆放一些鲜花,象征着美好和祝福。

5. **祈祷文具**:准备一些祈祷文具,如经书或祷告册,供奉者可以用来祈祷和表达心愿。



A few article that have indicative sense can choose normally when the father-in-law suckles a consecrate, in order to show esteem and pray good fortune. The means of consecrate can include the following:

1.** of stone of ** Mount Taishan: Rock of a Mount Taishan is placed on consecrate stage, of indicative Mount Taishan mix firm majestic.

2.** censer and ** of joss sticks and candles: Censer and joss sticks and candles are placed on consecrate stage, ignite joss sticks and candles, mix in order to express piously devoir.

3.** fruit and food ** : Put a few fresh fruits and food, the sincere desire of the person that express consecrate and gratitude.

4.** flower ** : Put a few flowers, indicative happiness and blessing.

5.** pray prayer provides ** : Prepare prayer of a few pray to provide, be like Confusion classics or prayer book, consecrate person can use pray and express a cherished desire.

Above consecrate means can be done according to individual be fond of and actual condition adjust appropriately.
