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1. **清洁和准备**: 首先,确保石佛像和供桌是干净的。可以使用清水和软布擦拭,以确保表面没有灰尘或污垢。

2. **摆放位置**: 将老石佛像放置在一个安静、整洁的地方,尊重他的存在。最好将其放在高处,比如桌子上或专用的供奉架上。

3. **供品**: 放置适当的供品,比如鲜花、水果、茶水、糖果等。可以根据个人偏好选择供品,但要确保它们是新鲜的,并且经常更换以保持清洁。

4. **点燃香烛**: 点燃香烛,以表示对老石佛的尊敬和虔诚。选择纯净的香或者熏香,以尊重佛像的神圣性。

5. **诵经祈祷**: 如果你有诵经或祈祷的习惯,可以在供奉时诵读经文或祈祷文,以表达虔诚和敬意。

6. **保持清洁**: 定期清洁和保持供奉的区域,确保周围环境干净整洁,以示对佛像的尊重。



Need of figure of Buddha of consecrate old stone undertakes according to the individual's belief and tradition, but generally speaking, it is a few common practices below:

1.** cleanness and preparative ** : Above all, ensure stone figure of Buddha and altar are clean. Can use clear water and soft cloth to wipe, in order to ensure the surface does not have dirt or bilge.

2.** puts positional ** : Laoshi figure of Buddha places quiet in, neat place, respect his existence. Had better put its pinnacled, for instance table go up or appropriative consecrate is worn on.

3.** offerings ** : Place proper offerings, for instance flower, fruit, boiled water, candy. Can choose offerings according to individual preference, but should ensure they are fresh, and often change in order to keep clean.

4.** ignites ** of joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, mix in order to express to the respect of old stone Buddha devotional. The choice is pure sweet perhaps fume sweet, in order to respect the divine sex of figure of Buddha.

5.** Song classics prays ** : If you have Song classics or prayer habit, can ask earnestly in lection of the chant when consecrate or pray civil, mix in order to convey piously devoir.

6.** maintains clean ** : Fixed cleanness and the section that hold consecrate, ensure surroundings is clean and neat, in order to show the respect to figure of Buddha.

Above is the measure of figure of Buddha of a few basic consecrate old stone, but particular way may is used to because of belief of district, religion and individual and differ somewhat.
