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1. 准备清洁的供桌或供台,以便安放木札。
2. 在供桌上摆放清水、清香或其他供品,以表达敬意。
3. 将木札轻放在供桌上,可以用一块纯净的布或者纸巾覆盖木札。
4. 可以进行祈祷或默念心中的祝愿,表达对木札所代表的事物的尊敬和信仰。
5. 每隔一段时间,需要清洁和保养木札,确保它保持良好状态。



The means of consecrate of wooden thin pieces of wood used for writing on in ancient China depends on normally the belief that you abide by or tradition. Generally speaking, the measure that consecrate wood letters may include:

1.Prepare clean altar or offer a desk, so that put Mu Zha.
2.Clear water, faint scent or other offerings are put on altar, in order to express respect.
3.Mu Zha put down gently is on altar, can use a pure cloth or paper towel enclothes Mu Zha.
4.Can undertake prayer or silent reads aloud the wish in the heart, express the respect of the thing that represents to Mu Zha and belief.
5.Every other period of time, need cleanness and maintain Mu Zha, ensure it maintains kilter.

In the process that letters in consecrate wood, the most important is heart sincerity, expression gives the devoir of the thing that you letter to wood place is represented and belief.
