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1. **选择适当的地点**:在一个安静、清净的地方设置供奉梦想树神的祭坛或神龛。这个地方最好能够让你专心地与神灵沟通。

2. **准备供品**:通常包括水、鲜花、香炉和香等。这些供品可以象征着你的虔诚和敬意。

3. **心诚祷告**:在供奉梦想树神前,闭目冥想,集中精神,向神灵表达你的敬意和愿望。可以默默祈祷或用心声表达你的心愿。

4. **献上供品**:将准备好的供品摆放在祭坛前,并点燃香火,表示对梦想树神的尊敬和供养。

5. **表达感恩**:在心中表达对梦想树神的感激之情,感谢神灵的保佑和指引。

6. **保持虔诚**:供奉不仅是一时的行为,更是一种持续的信仰和虔诚。保持内心的平静和善良,持续与梦想树神保持联系,祈求神灵的庇佑和指引。



Consecrate dream hamadryad includes the following measure normally:

1.** chooses proper place ** : Quiet in, kosher place installs the altar of consecrate dream hamadryad or shrine. This place is best can let you be communicated attentively with deities.

2.** prepares offerings ** : Include normally water, flower, censer and sweet etc. These offerings can symbolize your mix piously devoir.

3.** heart sincere prayer ** : Before consecrate dream hamadryad, close eye contemplative, concentrate mind, express your devoir and desire to deities. Can pray silently or express your cherished desire with aspirations.

4.** displays on offerings ** : Put ready offerings before altar, ignite burning incense, the respect that shows pair of dream hamadryad and make offerings to.

5.** expression is thankful ** : The feeling of the gratitude of pair of dream hamadryad is expressed in the heart, thank deities bless and how-to.

6.** maintains devotional ** : Consecrate is temporarily behavior not only, it is a kind of lasting belief is mixed more devotional. Maintain inner calm and goodness, maintain connection with dreamy hamadryad continuously, of invocatory deities bless and how-to.

These measure are only run-of-mill how-to, particular consecrate kind can undertake adjustment according to the individual's belief and habit.
