1. **方位选择**:将供奉的菩萨摆放在尊贵的位置,通常是佛龛或供桌上。可以选择房间中的较高处,以示尊崇。
2. **坐姿摆放**:菩萨的坐姿也有讲究,通常有莲花座、坐像座等。莲花座是最常见的,表现为菩萨盘坐在一朵莲花上。在摆放时,应确保底座平稳,稳固地支撑着菩萨像。
3. **朝向选择**:一般来说,菩萨供奉的位置应该面向东方或者西方,这是传统的供奉方向。但具体朝向还会受到地域、宗教习惯等因素的影响。
4. **其他陈设**:除了菩萨本身,你还可以在供桌上摆放一些香、花、水果等供品,以示虔诚。
The seat of Bodhisattva consecrate puts the traditional standard with have proper, it is a basis normally different Bodhisattva figure and belief are used to and decide. Generally speaking, the seat of Bodhisattva consecrate should be dignified and solemn and respectful, mix in order to show to the respect of Bodhisattva devotional.
1.** azimuth chooses ** : Put a term applied to a kindhearted person of consecrate in exalted position, it is niche for a statue of Buddha or altar normally go up. In can choosing a room relatively altitude, in order to show homage.
2.** sitting position puts ** : The sitting position of Bodhisattva also has exquisite, have lotus flower normally, sit picture etc. Lotus it is the commonnest, expression is Bodhisattva dish sit on a lotus. When put, should ensure base is stable, solid used in combination with the Heavenly Stems to designate years is maintaining Bodhisattva to resemble.
3.** front chooses ** : Generally speaking, the position of Bodhisattva consecrate should face east or the west, this is traditional consecrate way. But specific front still can is used to the influence that waits for an element by district, religion.
4.** of ** other display: Besides Bodhisattva itself, you still can put the offerings such as a few sweet, flowers, fruit on altar, in order to show devotional.
As a whole, the seat of Bodhisattva consecrate is put should be careful and dignified, in order to convey pair of Bodhisattva revere and respect.