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1. **准备清洁神像的空间**:选择一个安静、清洁的地方,避免有杂物或灰尘,以示尊重。

2. **清洁神像**:用清水和柔软的布擦拭神像,确保表面干净。

3. **准备香烛供品**:准备好香烛和其他供品,如水果、花等,以表达虔诚和敬意。

4. **准备祷告**:你可以准备一些祷告或心语,在供奉神像时表达你的诚意和愿望。

5. **请道士或高僧开光**:如果你希望神像能够得到更多祝福,可以请当地的道士或高僧前来为神像开光。

6. **进行开光仪式**:按照传统的仪式和流程,将神像摆放在特定位置,然后进行开光仪式,祈求神灵保佑。

7. **定期祭拜**:开光之后,定期向神像祭拜,并保持心诚则灵,以获得神灵的保佑和指引。



Consecrate God is a kind of devotional behavior normally, if you want light, can consider the following move:

1.** prepares the dimensional ** of clean God: Choose a quiet, clean place, avoid to have sundry or dirt, in order to show respect.

2.** of ** clean God: Wipe God with clear water and soft cloth, ensure the surface is clean.

3.** prepares ** of offerings of joss sticks and candles: Prepare joss sticks and candles and other offerings, wait like fruit, flower, mix in order to convey piously devoir.

4.** prepares devotional ** : You can prepare a few prayer or heart language, your sincerity and desire are expressed when consecrate God.

5.** asks Taoism priest or dignitary opens smooth ** : If you hope God can receive more blessing, can ask local Taoism priest or light leaves for God before dignitary.

6.** undertakes smooth ceremony ** : According to traditional ceremony and flow, put God in specific place, undertake smooth ceremony next, invocatory deities is blessed.

7.** fixed hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to ** : After opening light, do obeisance to to God hold a memorial ceremony for regularly, maintain a heart sincere clever, with obtaining deities bless and how-to.

These are a few basic measure only, particular way may be mixed because of devotional, area traditional and differ somewhat. Before had better undertaking any ceremonies, understand relevant culture and tradition first.
