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1. **选择合适的地点:** 在家中或者庭院中选择一个安静、清洁、尊贵的地方来供奉土地公。可以选择一个小型的祭坛或者供桌。

2. **准备供品:** 土地公供奉时需要准备各种供品,常见的包括水果、鲜花、香烛、茶叶、米饭、酒等。土地公喜欢简单的供品,所以不需要太奢华。

3. **设立土地公像或画像:** 在供桌上放置土地公的像或者画像,这样可以让土地公感受到被尊敬和关注。

4. **点燃香烛:** 在供品旁边点燃香烛,表示对土地公的尊敬和敬意。

5. **祈祷和献供:** 在点燃香烛后,可以合十祈祷,表达对土地公的敬意,并且献上准备好的供品。

6. **每月或特殊日期供奉:** 土地公是需要持续供奉的,可以选择每月固定的日期或者特殊的节日来供奉土地公。



Consecrate land is public it is a quite traditional ceremony normally, it is a few common step below:

1.** selects appropriate site: ** is in the home a quiet, cleanness, exalted place perhaps chooses to come in court consecrate land is public. Can choose altar of a diminutive or altar.

2.** plans offerings: The need when ** land fair consecrate plans all sorts of offerings, include fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles, tea, rice, wine commonly to wait. Land is public like simple offerings, do not need so too costly.

3.** establishs land fair resemble or picture: ** is placed on altar land resembles fairly or picture, can make land fair experience the attention that be mixed by respect so.

4.** ignites joss sticks and candles: ** ignites joss sticks and candles by offerings, show public to land respect and respect.

5.** prays and display for: After ** is igniting joss sticks and candles, can put the palms together prays, express public to land respect, and display go up ready offerings.

6.** month or every special date consecrate: ** land is public it is to need to last of consecrate, the land of section recently consecrate with the special perhaps date that can choose every months to secure is public.

Consecrate land is public it is a kind of belief and tradition, can undertake adjustment according to the individual's be fond of and habit. Nevertheless, the most important is to be mixed in earnest treat this ceremony piously.
