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1. **关公像摆放**:将关公像置于供桌或供台上,最好面向大门或主要入口,象征着关公守护家宅,镇宅辟邪。

2. **关刀摆放**:将关刀横放在关公像的右侧或前方,刀口指向外,象征着关公镇守家门,保家卫国。

3. **红色布条摆放**:将红色布条系于关刀上,有时也会系于关公像的手中或刀柄上,红色代表吉祥喜庆,也表示对关公的尊敬和祈福。



Involving fair consecrate suit is normally in order to close fair picture, close Dao Hegong lubricious list is main component. When putting, can undertake according to the following measure:

1.** closes fair resemble putting ** : Will close fair resemble park altar or go up for the stage, had better face an entrance door or basically enter the mouth, symbolic move closes fair guardianship messuage, town curtilage exorcise evil spirits.

2.** closes a knife to put ** : Put horizontal stroke closing a knife in close fair resemble on the right side of or ahead, blade is pointed to outside, symbolic move closes fair guard door, protect the home to defend a country.

3.** gules list puts ** : Get on gules list department at closing a knife, also can fasten at closing sometimes fair the hand that resemble medium or on knife handle, gules delegate is lucky and festival, also show public to closing respect and pray good fortune.

Put after finishing, can ignite joss sticks and candles, invocatory close fair bless a family restful, career is flourishing.
