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1. **关公庙供奉:** 在关公庙或者寺庙里供奉关公的方式,通常会有专门的神龛或神台用来供奉他的神像。可以在这些地方献上香火,祈求关公保佑。

2. **家庭供奉:** 在家中设置关公的神位,可以是一个小神龛或者供桌,放置关公的神像或画像,然后每天或者每逢特定的日子向他献上香火,祈求保佑家人平安。

3. **祭祀仪式:** 在特定的节日或者纪念日,可以举行祭祀仪式来供奉关公。这包括祭拜、献上祭品(如鲜花、水果、美酒等),并进行祈福仪式,表达对关公的敬意和感谢。

4. **信仰活动:** 参加与关公相关的宗教活动或者庙会,参与其中的祭祀、礼拜和庆祝活动,以表达对他的崇敬和信仰。



Close fair it is one of important deities in Chinese culture, his means has consecrate a lot of kinds. It is a few familiar pattern below:

1.** closes fair temple consecrate: ** is closing fair temple or the consecrate in cloister involves general kind, normally can special a shrine for idols or ancestral tablets or divine table use consecrate his God. Can display in these places on burning incense, invocatory close fair bless.

2.** family consecrate: ** closes fair look in the setting in the home, can be niche of a demigod or altar, place close fair God or picture, whenever specific date is displayed to him,perhaps go up everyday next burning incense, invocatory bless family restful.

3.** sacred ceremony: ** is in specific festival or memorial, can hold sacred ceremony to come consecrate closes fair. This includes hold a memorial ceremony for to do obeisance to, display on oblation (wait like flower, fruit, beautiful wine) , undertake pray blessing ceremony, convey public to closing respect and acknowledgment.

4.** devotional activity: ** attends with close fair relevant religious activity or temple fair, the sacred, chapel in participating in its and congratulatory activity, esteem in order to convey to his and devotional.

As a whole, it is OK that consecrate involves general kind because of area, consuetudinary with individual belief differ somewhat, important is a heart sincere clever, express public to closing respect and belief.
