1. **选择鸡肉**:选择一只整鸡或鸡肉块。确保鸡肉新鲜,并且符合你所需的规格和品质标准。
2. **清洗处理**:将鸡肉洗净,并在准备盘供奉之前进行适当的处理。可以根据具体情况将鸡肉剁成块或留成整只。
3. **调味**:根据当地的传统或个人喜好,用调味料给鸡肉调味。常用的调味料包括盐、胡椒、葱、姜等。有些地方还可能使用特殊的草药或香料。
4. **摆盘**:将调味好的鸡肉摆放在一个适合的盘子或容器中。可以根据需要摆成整鸡形状或者整齐地排列鸡肉块。
5. **祭祀或供奉**:将准备好的盘供奉的鸡放置在相应的祭坛或供桌上,根据宗教或仪式的要求进行祈祷或仪式。
6. **献祭**:根据具体的仪式流程,可能需要将盘供奉的鸡放入火中或其他特定的位置,以表示对神灵或祖先的敬意和奉献。
7. **分食**:在仪式完成后,可以将盘供奉的鸡分食给参与者或者家庭成员,也可以作为供品留在祭坛上。
Dish the chicken of consecrate is to point to normally use at sacred or the get ready chicken of ritual. Generally speaking, dish the chicken of consecrate should be full of esteem and ceremonial feeling in planning a course. Common step is below:
1.** chooses chicken ** : The choice makes chicken only or chicken piece. Ensure chicken is fresh, and accord with the norms that you need and quality standard.
2.** cleans processing ** : chicken abluent, preparing the processing with the ongoing proper travel of dish of consecrate. Can the basis is specific chop of circumstance general chicken agglomerate or leave whole.
3.** flavors ** : According to local tradition or individual be fond of, flavor to chicken with flavoring. Commonly used flavoring includes salt, peppery, green, ginger to wait. Some places use special medicinal herbs or spice possibly still.
4.** places dish of ** : In putting the chicken that has flavorred the dish that suits in or recipient. Can rectify gallinaceous appearance to arrange chicken piece trimly according to needing to be placed.
5.** sacred or consecrate ** : Place the chicken of dish of ready consecrate go up in corresponding altar or altar, undertake prayer according to the requirement of religion or ceremony or ceremony.
6.** sacrificial ** : According to specific ceremonial flow, the likelihood needs will dish the chicken of consecrate is put into fire or other and specific place, in order to show the devoir of pair of deities or ancestor and dedication.
7.** cent feeds ** : After the ceremony is finished, can will dish the gallinaceous cent of consecrate feeds participator or domestic member, also can stay on altar as offerings.
Those who need an attention is, different religion and culture are opposite the processing means of dish of consecrate chicken may differ somewhat, concrete step and ceremonial meaning can undertake adjustment according to actual condition.