1. **选择合适的地方:** 选择一个清净、安静的地方来供奉照片佛像,最好避免放在厕所或厨房等不洁净的地方。
2. **准备供奉台或桌子:** 可以使用一个小的供奉台或桌子,上面放一块洁净的布或桌布,用来放置佛像和其他供品。
3. **摆放佛像:** 将照片佛像放在供奉台上,可以选择竖立或平放,根据自己的喜好和空间来决定。
4. **供品:** 准备一些供品,比如鲜花、水果、香烛等,放在佛像前供奉。这些供品代表着虔诚和敬意。
5. **燃香点烛:** 在供奉佛像时可以点香烛,表示虔诚和祈愿。选择天然的香或者檀香更好。
6. **诵经礼拜:** 可以在供奉时诵读经文或者默念祈祷,表达虔诚的心意。
7. **保持清洁:** 定期清理供奉台和佛像,保持清洁整洁,表达对佛像的尊敬和敬意。
The means of consecrate photograph figure of Buddha has a lot of kinds, specific and OK the belief according to the individual and habitual option. Generally speaking, can according to the following measure:
1.** chooses proper place: ** chooses a kosher, quiet place to come consecrate photograph figure of Buddha, had better avoid to be put in the not clean place such as toilet or kitchen.
2.** prepares consecrate stage or table: ** can use a small consecrate stage or table, a clean cloth or antependium are put above, with will place figure of Buddha and other offerings.
3.** puts figure of Buddha: ** puts photograph figure of Buddha on consecrate stage, can choose erect or smooth put, will decide according to oneself be fond of and space.
4.** offerings: ** plans a few offerings, for instance flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles, put in the consecrate before figure of Buddha. The delegate wears these offerings to be mixed piously devoir.
5.** burns sweet dot candle: ** can nod joss sticks and candles when consecrate figure of Buddha, express to be mixed piously invocatory. The choice is natural sweet or white sandalwood is better.
6.Religious service of ** Song classics: ** can be when consecrate chant lection or silent reads aloud pray, express devotional intention.
7.** keeps clean: ** clears regularly consecrate stage and figure of Buddha, keep clean and neat, express the respect to figure of Buddha and respect.
These are the basic measure of consecrate photograph figure of Buddha, can undertake be adjustmented appropriately according to the individual's circumstance and be fond of.