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1. 准备供品:可以准备水果、鲜花、香烛、甘露饼等供品。这些供品代表着诚心和虔诚,供奉时要保持心中清净和敬意。

2. 准备供桌:选择一个安静整洁的地方,摆放供品的桌子或供台。可以在供台上放上佛像或者欢喜佛的画像。

3. 诚心供养:在供台前合十,默念或诵读经文,表达虔诚的心意。然后将供品摆放在供台上,可以燃香点烛,表示虔诚供养。

4. 心诚祈愿:在供奉完毕后,可以闭目默念自己的祈愿或愿望,表达对欢喜佛的信仰和请求。

5. 感恩闭坛:供养完毕后,合掌向欢喜佛表达感恩之情,表示对祂的尊崇和信仰。然后将供品分给家人或将其捐赠给需要的人,以回向功德。



Consecrate jubilates Buddha can undertake according to the individual's belief and preference, can undertake according to the following measure commonly:

1.Plan offerings: Can plan the offerings such as cake of fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles, manna. The delegate wears these offerings to be mixed in earnest devotional, in wanting to maintain a heart when consecrate kosher with devoir.

2.Prepare altar: Choose a quiet and neat place, put the table of offerings or offer a desk. Can going up for be being put on the stage figure of Buddha perhaps jubilates the picture of Buddha.

3.Sincere desire makes offerings to: In the put the palms together before offerring a desk, silent reads aloud or chant lection, express devotional intention. Put offerings next going up for the stage, can burn sweet dot candle, express to make offerings to piously.

4.Heart sincere invocatory: After consecrate ends, can shut eye silent to read aloud his invocatory or desire, expression to jubilating the belief of Buddha is mixed request.

5.Be thankful shut altar: Make offerings to after ending, join a strike with the palm of the hand to jubilate the affection that Buddha expression is thankful, express the homage to Dai and belief. Next family of offerings deal out or the person that donate its need, in order to answer Xiang Gongde.

These are consecrate jubilates only the common step of Buddha, particular consecrate kind can undertake adjustment according to the individual's belief and tradition.
