1. **准备供品**:选择供奉的物品,如水果、鲜花、香烛、食品等。根据个人或传统信仰,也可准备其他特定的物品。
2. **准备祭坛**:在安静清洁的地方摆放供奉物品的祭坛。祭坛可以是一个小桌子或特定的供奉台,可根据自己的喜好和信仰风格来选择。
3. **点燃香烛**:点燃香烛,象征着虔诚的心意。可以选择燃烧香或蜡烛,以及根据个人偏好选择不同的香味。
4. **摆放供品**:将准备好的供品摆放在祭坛上,可以整齐地排列或根据个人喜好进行布置。
5. **祷告敬神**:在供奉物前,虔诚地祷告或表达敬意。可以是口头祈祷,也可以是默想或冥想。
6. **献上心意**:将自己的心意和祈求献给所敬奉的神明,表达对神明的尊敬和信仰。
7. **感恩**:结束供奉仪式时,表达感恩之情,感谢神明的庇佑和恩惠。
Means of consecrate of offerings of Pu Ningjing god because belief and individual are consuetudinary and different, but include the following measure commonly:
1.** prepares offerings ** : Choose the goods of consecrate, wait like fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles, food. According to individual or traditional belief, also can prepare other and specific article.
2.** prepares altar ** : The altar of consecrate article is put in the place of quiet cleanness. Altar can be a small table or specific consecrate stage, can choose according to oneself be fond of and devotional style.
3.** ignites ** of joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, indicative religious purpose. Can choose to burn burn joss sticks or candle, and the fragrance that chooses to differ according to individual preference.
4.** puts offerings ** : Put ready offerings go up in altar, be arranged trimly or undertake decorating according to individual be fond of.
5.** prayer is godly ** : Before consecrate content, piously prayer or expressive devoir. Can be oral pray, also can be meditate or contemplative.
6.** displays on intention ** : The intention oneself and invocatory give the deities of a piously worship, express the respect to deities and belief.
7.** is thankful ** : When ending consecrate ceremony, express the feeling that be thankful, thank deities bless and benefaction.
Consecrate means may is used to because of area, religion and the individual is devotional and differ somewhat, above is run-of-mill measure only.