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1. **尊重**:在拍摄之前,要确保得到大德或其相关人士的许可。尊重其个人意愿和隐私。

2. **光线**:选择柔和的自然光线或适当的人工灯光,避免强烈的反光或阴影。光线柔和可以展现大德的面容和表情。

3. **背景**:选择简洁、清爽的背景,不要有杂物或干扰因素。可以考虑在寺庙、清静的自然环境或室内的神圣场所拍摄。

4. **姿势**:大德可以端坐或站立,保持端庄和安详的姿势。可以让大德手持念珠、佛经或手印,展现其信仰和修行。

5. **表情**:捕捉大德自然的表情和眼神,展现内心的宁静和智慧。避免让大德直接对着镜头看,可以让其注视远方或微笑。

6. **角度**:选择合适的角度来拍摄,可以尝试不同的角度以找到最佳效果。一般来说,拍摄角度要稍微低于大德的眼睛,以展现其威严和尊贵。

7. **后期处理**:在后期处理时,保持自然的风格,避免过度美化或修改。如果需要修正光线或色调,也要注意保持原本的风格和氛围。



Film consecrate great mind takes a moment, need to notice the following:

1.** respects ** : Before film, should ensure get great mind or its are relevant the personage's license. Respect its individual apiration and privacy.

2.** light ** : Choose downy natural light or proper artificial light, avoid to glance strongly or shadow. The light is downy and OK the face that shows great mind and expression.

3.** setting ** : Choose concise, relaxed setting, do not have sundry or interference element. Can consider to film in cloister, quiet environment or indoor divine place.

4.** pose ** : Great mind can sit up or stand, keep dignified with unruffled pose. Can let great mind hold beads, sutra or an impression of the hand, develop its belief and cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine.

5.** expression ** : Catch the expression of great mind nature and eyes, show halcyon He Zhihui of the heart. Avoid Rangdade to look to camera lens directly, can let its fix distant place or smile.

6.** angle ** : Choose proper point of view to film, the angle that can try to differ in order to find optimal result. Generally speaking, shooting angle wants a little the eye under great mind, mix in order to show its imperially exalted.

7.** later period handles ** : When later period is handled, maintain natural style, avoid excessive beautification or revise. If need,amend the light or tonal, also should notice to maintain originally style and atmosphere.

As a whole, film esteem of need of photograph of consecrate great mind is mixed awe-stricken, pay attention to the detail of the respect such as the light, setting, pose, expression, angle at the same time, in order to show the dignity of great mind and wisdom.
