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1. **准备猪头:**首先需要一个新鲜的猪头,确保它清洁并且没有残留的毛发。

2. **处理猪头:**将猪头的皮肤清洗干净,去除残留的毛发和血迹。

3. **确定形状:**根据当地的传统和习俗,确定供奉猪头的形状。有些地方可能要求特定的形态或者特定的表情。

4. **雕刻和修整:**使用刀具或者其他工具,雕刻猪头的面部表情和特征,以使其符合预定的形状和要求。

5. **定型和固定:**使用线材或者其他材料,将猪头的各个部分固定在正确的位置上,确保其不会变形或者变化。

6. **陈列和供奉:**完成定型后,根据传统的做法,将供奉猪头放置在适当的位置,并进行相应的祭祀或者仪式。



Of consecrate pig head finalize the design depend on normally specific utility and tradition are consuetudinary. Generally speaking, of consecrate pig head finalize the design can finish through the following measure:

1.** prepares pig head: ** needs a new pig head above all, ensure it is clean and the hair that did not remain.

2.** handles pig head: ** cleans the skin of pig head clean, the hair that purify remains and bloodstain.

3.** determines shape: ** is mixed according to local tradition consuetudinary, determine the shape of consecrate pig head. The expression that some places may ask specific configuration is specific perhaps.

4.** sculpture and nap: ** use cutting tool is other perhaps tool, carve the countenance of pig head and feature, with making its accord with booked appearance and requirement.

5.** finalizes the design and secure: ** use wire is other perhaps material, secure each parts of pig head in correct locally, ensure its won't be out of shape or change.

6.** displays and consecrate: ** is finished after finalizing the design, according to traditional method, lay consecrate pig head in proper place, hand-in-hand travel is corresponding sacred or ceremony.

Those who need an attention is, the concrete step of consecrate pig head and method may be mixed because of the area traditional and consuetudinary and differ somewhat, the better that had better seek advice from place before undertake or the expert coachs with getting.
