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1. **寻找栖木**:首先,你需要在自然环境中寻找合适的栖木。栖木通常是一棵古老的大树,或者是一个树干上有合适凹槽的树枝。在森林、公园或者乡间地区可能会找到适合的栖木。

2. **选择合适的栖木**:选择一个符合你的需求和喜好的栖木。它应该有足够的空间来供奉,而且最好是在一个安静、幽静的地方,以便你可以专心致志地进行供奉仪式。

3. **清理栖木周围**:在开始供奉之前,确保栖木周围没有杂物或者垃圾。这样可以确保你的供奉仪式能够在一个整洁的环境中进行。

4. **供奉仪式**:在栖木旁边摆放你准备好的供品,这些供品可以包括水、食物、鲜花或者其他你认为合适的物品。然后,闭上眼睛,集中注意力,向栖木祈祷或者表达感谢。你可以根据你的信仰或者灵性实践来定制供奉仪式。

5. **尊重栖木**:在供奉之后,记得保持对栖木的尊重。不要破坏或者污染栖木周围的环境,也不要采摘过多的树枝或者叶子。维护栖木的环境是供奉的一部分,也是对自然界的尊重和保护。



Search and consecrate perch can undertake through the following measure:

1.** searchs perch ** : Above all, you need to search appropriate perch in environment. Perch is an old large tree normally, or truncal go up the branch that has appropriate groove. In forest, park or the area may find country suitable perch.

2.** chooses appropriate perch ** : Choose the perch of a demand that accords with you and be fond of. It should have enough space to come consecrate, and had better be to be in a quiet, peaceful place, so that you are OK,undertake consecrate ceremony wholeheartedly.

3.** clears all round perch ** : Before beginning consecrate, ensure to be done not have all round perch sundry or rubbish. Can ensure your consecrate ceremony can be in a neat environment so undertake.

4.** of ** consecrate ceremony: The offerings that you prepare is put by perch, these offerings can include water, food, flower other perhaps you think appropriate article. Next, close an eye, focus attention, pray to perch or convey acknowledgment. You are OK the belief according to you or practice of intelligence of animals comes custom-built consecrate ceremony.

5.** respects perch ** : After consecrate, remember retaining the respect to perch. Be not destroyed or pollute the environment all round perch, also do not want picked and overmuch branch or leaf. The environment that safeguards perch is the one part of consecrate, also be the esteem to nature and protection.

Hope these measure can be helped you are searched and consecrate perch. Wish you everything is successful!
