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1. **清洁准备**:在供奉佛台之前,确保佛台表面清洁整洁,没有杂物。可以使用柔软的布或羽毛扫清灰尘。

2. **供品准备**:准备供奉物品,例如鲜花、水果、茶水、香烛、瓶装水等。这些供品应当是新鲜的和清洁的。

3. **摆放供品**:将准备好的供品摆放在佛台上。通常,供品应该排列整齐,不要摆放得太拥挤,以便佛像能够清晰可见。

4. **点燃香烛**:点燃香烛,表示尊敬和虔诚。可以用火把点燃香烛,但要小心火源的安全。

5. **诵经念佛**:在供奉佛台的同时,可以诵经或念佛。这是表达虔诚和敬意的一种方式。

6. **虔诚祈愿**:在供奉完毕后,可以合掌虔诚祈愿,表达自己的愿望和感恩之情。

7. **保持清洁**:定期清洁佛台和更换供品,以保持其整洁和神圣性。



Consecrate Buddha stage needs a few basic measure and goods. It is common practice below:

1.** cleanness prepares ** : Before consecrate Buddha stage, ensure cleanness of Buddha stage appearance is neat, not sundry. The cloth that can use softness or feather clear away dirt.

2.** offerings prepares ** : Prepare consecrate article, for example flower, fruit, boiled water, joss sticks and candles, bottled water. These offerings ought to be fresh with cleanness.

3.** puts offerings ** : Put ready offerings go up in Buddha stage. Normally, offerings should be arranged orderly, do not put too crowdedly, so that figure of Buddha can clear and visible.

4.** ignites ** of joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, state respect is mixed devotional. Can ignite joss sticks and candles with firebrand, but the security that wants careful fire source.

5.** of pray to Buddha of ** Song classics: In consecrate Buddha stage while, can Song classics or pray to Buddha. This is expression is mixed piously a kind of means of devoir.

6.** is devotional and invocatory ** : After consecrate ends, can join a strike with the palm of the hand devotional and invocatory, express oneself desire and the feeling that be thankful.

7.** maintains clean ** : Stage of fixed and clean Buddha and change offerings, in order to maintain its neat with divine sex.

These are the measure of stage of general consecrate Buddha, but particular way is possible because religious belief, district is consuetudinary,wait and differ somewhat.
