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1. 准备供奉的地方:选择一个安静、清洁的地方,可以是佛龛、桌子或者特定的祭坛。

2. 准备供品:可以准备一些鲜花、香烛、水果或其他食物作为供品。如果有,也可以放置一些香、果实、花等。

3. 清洁自己:在供奉前,可以先洗净双手,并且心怀虔诚。

4. 摆放佛吊坠:将佛吊坠放置在供奉的地方,可以选择一个特殊的位置来展示它,以示尊敬。

5. 默念祈祷:在供奉的过程中,可以默念一些祈祷词或者心中诚挚地表达感恩和敬意。

6. 点燃香烛:点燃香烛,向佛吊坠祈愿,表达自己的愿望和虔诚。

7. 定期供养:最好定期供养佛吊坠,以保持虔诚和敬意。



The means that consecrate Buddha condole drops is used to because of belief and individual and different, it is a kind of common method below:

1.Prepare the place of consecrate: Choose a quiet, clean place, can be the altar with niche for a statue of Buddha, specific perhaps table.

2.Plan offerings: Can prepare a few flowers, joss sticks and candles, fruit or other edibles to serve as offerings. If have, also can place a few sweet, fructification, flower to wait.

3.Him cleanness: Before consecrate, can first abluent both hands, and purpose is religious.

4.Put Buddha condole to drop: Buddha condole dropping places the place in consecrate, can choose a special place to reveal it, in order to show respect.

5.Silent reads aloud pray: In the process of consecrate, can silent reads aloud a few pray the word perhaps is conveyed cordially in the heart be thankful and devoir.

6.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, to Buddha condole drops invocatory, the desire that expresses oneself and devotional.

7.Make offerings to regularly: Had better make offerings to regularly Buddha condole drops, mix in order to keep devotional devoir.

Remember, consecrate Buddha as string of 1 dropping is the expressive means of a kind of individual belief, everybody can be mixed according to his belief the habit undertakes adjustment.
