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1. 祭拜和供奉:可以在家中设置一个小祭坛,摆放佛像、经文、香炉和鲜花,每天或定期向须弥修行的人祈祷并献上香烛和供品。

2. 念诵经文:可以每天念诵一些与须弥修行相关的经文或咒语,如心经、般若波罗蜜多心经等,以表达对须弥修行的尊敬和信仰。

3. 行善积德:可以通过行善积德来供养须弥修行的人,例如布施给贫困人群、帮助他人、关心弱势群体等,以此来回向须弥修行的人。

4. 冥想和默念:可以通过冥想或默念的方式来与须弥修行的人建立心灵联系,思考其教诲和智慧,从中获得启示和指引。

5. 学习与实践:可以深入学习须弥修行的教义和修行方法,并努力将其运用到日常生活中,以实际行动来供养须弥修行的人。



Consecrate needs cover stylite can be mixed according to the individual's belief the habit undertakes. A few familiar pattern include:

1.Hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to and consecrate: A small altar can be installed in the home, put figure of Buddha, lection, censer and flower, everyday or pray to the stylite that need cover regularly and display on joss sticks and candles and offerings.

2.Recite lection: Can recite a few lection related to the cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine that need cover or abracadabra everyday, the classics that be like a heart, kind if pineapple is sweet oversensitive classics,

3.Accumulate virtue of do good works: Can make offerings to through accumulate virtue of do good works the stylite that need cover, for example alms giving gives group of weak force of other of impoverished crowd, help, care to wait, make a round trip with this to the stylite that need cover.

4.Contemplative read aloud with silent: Can pass contemplative or the way that silent studies will establish interior connection with the stylite that need cover, ponder over its instruction and wisdom, obtain from which enlightenment and how-to.

5.Study and practice: OK and thorough study needs the doctrine of cover cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine and method of cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine, in using its daily life hard, need cover with acting actually to make offerings to stylite.

Choose and these methods are carried out according to the individual's belief and actual condition, important is to maintain sincere desire and devotional.
