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1. 佛像:佛像应该置于最尊贵的位置,通常是居室或客厅的最高处,以示尊重和尊严。佛像应该面向房间的正门,而不是背对门。

2. 香炉:香炉通常应该放在佛像前方,以表示虔诚和敬意。香炉可摆放在佛像正前方略偏右处,但不要摆得太近,以免影响佛像的形象。

3. 经书:经书可放在佛像或香炉旁边的地方,以示敬意和学习佛法的决心。

4. 鲜花和水果:如果条件允许,可以在供桌上摆放鲜花和水果,表示对佛祖的供养和感恩之情。



Buddhist consecrate connects regular meeting basis to individual belief and tradition are used to and differ somewhat, but generally speaking, can put according to the following means:

1.Figure of Buddha: Figure of Buddha should the position with the most exalted park, it is the top part of bedroom or sitting room normally, in order to show esteem and dignity. Figure of Buddha should face the front door of the room, is not back face each other.

2.Censer: Censer should be put in ahead of figure of Buddha normally, mix in order to express piously devoir. Censer can be put in figure of Buddha ahead slants slightly right place, but do not place too nearly, lest affect the figure of figure of Buddha.

3.Confusion classics: Confusion classics can be put in the place on the side of figure of Buddha or censer, in order to show devoir and the determination that learn power of Buddha.

4.Flower and fruit: If the condition allows, flower and fruit can be put on altar, express the make offerings to and is thankful feeling to Budda.

As a whole, of Buddhist consecrate put should pay attention to a heart sincere, Jing Qian, respect traditional habit and individual belief at the same time.
