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1. **祭祀仪式**:在特定的日期,比如农历的某些节日或者每月的特定日子,可以准备食物、酒水和其他祭品,在河边或水源处进行祭祀仪式。在仪式中,可以诵读祈祷文或者向河神和水神表达感恩和敬意。

2. **祈祷**:在日常生活中,可以在心里或者口中向河神和水神祈祷,表达对他们的尊敬和请求保佑。可以祈求他们保护水源,保护人们免受水灾侵扰,以及给予水的滋润和清洁。

3. **献香烛**:在河边或水源处点燃香烛,以表示对河神和水神的敬意和供奉。可以选择一些花香清新的香味,如檀香或白芷。

4. **放生**:在河边或水域中放生动物,如鱼、龟等,作为对河神和水神的供奉和恭敬,同时也是一种积德行善的方式。

5. **清理环境**:定期组织河岸或水域的清理活动,清除垃圾和污染,以保护水源环境,也可以被视为对河神和水神的供奉和尊敬。



Consecrate river god and water god are OK the ground is traditional consuetudinary or the individual is devotional undertake. It is the familiar pattern of god of river of a few consecrate and water god below:

1.** of ** sacred ceremony: In specific date, for instance the certain festival of the traditional Chinese calendar or specific date of every months, can plan water of food, wine and other sacrificial offerings, sacred ceremony undertakes in river side or fountainhead place. In the ceremony, can chant pray prayer perhaps is mixed to river god water god expression is thankful and devoir.

2.** prays ** : In daily life, can be in the heart perhaps mix to river god in the mouth water god prays, expression is respected to theirs and request to bless. OK and invocatory they protect fountainhead, protect people to avoid suffer flood harrass, and those who give water is moist with cleanness.

3.** displays ** of joss sticks and candles: Joss sticks and candles is ignited in river side or fountainhead place, in order to express magical to river god and water devoir and consecrate. Can choose Hua Xiangqing's new a few perfume, be like white sandalwood or Bai Zhi.

4.** of ** free captive animals: Vivid thing is put in river side or water area, wait like fish, chelonian, as magical to river god and water consecrate and respect, also be the means of do good works of a kind of accumulate virtue at the same time.

5.** clears environmental ** : Organize bank or water area regularly clear activity, cleared rubbish and pollution, in order to protect fountainhead environment, also can be regarded as magical to river god and water consecrate and respect.

Above the method that these means are common consecrate river god and water god, specific and OK the tradition according to individual or area and consuetudinary undertake adjustment.
