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1. 准备供品:供品通常包括酒、水、水果、点心、鲜花等。其中,酒和水是必备的,代表着对神灵的敬意和祈福之意。

2. 设立供桌:在祭祀的地点摆放一张供桌,上面摆放着供品,并点燃香火。

3. 恭敬祈祷:在供品摆放完毕后,主持人或道士会进行祈祷仪式,向天地神灵祈福。

4. 祭祀仪式:主持人或道士会以特定的仪式向天地神灵祭祀供品,表达虔诚之情。

5. 拜祭结束:祭祀完毕后,将供品留在供桌上一段时间,以示尊敬。之后,可以将供品分食或随意处理。



Taoism is offerred fighting is a kind of sacred ceremony, with blessing of pray of deities of Yu Xiangtian ground, stimulative happiness and benefit. Include the following measure for fought process:

1.Plan offerings: Offerings includes wine, water, fruit, mug-up, flower to wait normally. Among them, wine and water are necessary, representing the desire of the devoir to deities and pray blessing.

2.Establish altar: A piece of credence is put in sacred place, there is offerings above, ignite burning incense.

3.Respect prays: Put in offerings after ending, compere or Taoism priest can undertake prayer ceremony, to blessing of pray of deities of heaven and earth.

4.Sacred ceremony: Compere or Taoism priest are met with specific ceremony deities of Xiang Tian ground is sacred offerings, express religious feeling.

5.Do obeisance to end of hold a memorial ceremony for: Sacred after ending, leave offerings in the period of time on altar, in order to show respect. Later, can eat offerings cent or handle at will.

Those who need an attention is, when undertaking teaching offerring fighting, should respect a tradition formal with the ceremony, maintain a heart sincere prayer, in order to achieve the goal of pray blessing.
