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1. 准备供品:包括水果、糖果、香烛、鲜花等。传统上,金色的物品被认为是财神的喜爱,所以金色的纸钱或金元宝也可以作为供品之一。

2. 准备祭坛:在庙里选择一个适当的地方摆放祭坛,放置财神的画像或雕像。祭坛上方可以悬挂“财神爷”的牌匾或横幅。

3. 按照传统的方位摆放供品:通常财神位于正中,左边是财帛,右边是子孙。然后依次摆放水果、糖果等供品。

4. 点燃香烛:点燃香烛,并在供品前烧香致敬,表达诚挚的敬意和祈愿。

5. 诚心祈愿:在供奉过程中,可以默默地或大声表达对财神的祈愿,希望能够得到财运亨通、事业顺利、财源广进等好运。

6. 定期祭拜:根据个人的信仰和习惯,可以选择每月、每季或每年定期祭拜财神,以表达对财富和幸福的期盼和感恩之情。


Consecrate mammon needs to follow the following move normally:

1.Plan offerings: Include fruit, candied, joss sticks and candles, flower to wait. On the tradition, aureate article is considered as mammon love, so aureate paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead or golden a shoe-shaped gold or silver ingot used as money in feudal China also can serve as one of offerings.

2.Prepare altar: In the choice in temple a proper place puts altar, the draw a portrait that places mammon or statuary. Altar upper part is OK and pensile " mammon as form of a address for an official or rich man " board or banner.

3.Put offerings according to traditional position: Normally mammon is located in in the middle of, left is wealth, right is descendants. Next ordinal put the fruit, offerings such as candy.

4.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, greet in the burn joss sticks before offerings, the tribute with sincere expression and invocatory.

5.Sincere desire is invocatory: In consecrate process, OK and silent the ground or what convey pair of mammon aloud is invocatory, the hope can get money carry be prosperous, career successful, fund is wide into etc lucky.

6.Fixed hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to: According to the individual's belief and habit, can choose every month, every season or annual and fixed hold a memorial ceremony for to do obeisance to mammon, in order to express pair of fortune and the happy feeling that expect and are thankful.
