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1. 准备供品:在供奉转经轮之前,你可以准备一些供品,如鲜花、香炉、饮食等,作为供养佛菩萨的表示。

2. 净化身口意:在供奉转经轮之前,进行身口意的净化,可以念佛号或者默念清净心念,以净化内心。

3. 供养转经轮:将转经轮放置在供养台或者专用的供养架上,然后点燃香炉,摆放供品,并且虔诚地向转经轮行三礼,表示尊敬。

4. 念诵经文或经咒:在供养转经轮的同时,你可以念诵经文或经咒,以增加功德和福报。

5. 点亮灯烛:在供养转经轮的过程中,你也可以点亮灯烛,表示照亮众生,驱除黑暗。

6. 致谢离去:在供养完毕后,可以合掌向转经轮表示感恩,然后轻轻地离开供养的地方。



Turn classics annulus is to hide those who pass Buddhist middling to see to make offerings to article, certain ceremony and method need when consecrate. Above all, you need to prepare to turn classics annulus, it is container of a columnar normally, contain inside lection or classics cuss. Next, you can come according to the following measure consecrate turns classics annulus:

1.Plan offerings: Turn in consecrate before classics annulus, you can plan a few offerings, wait like flower, censer, food, as make offerings to the expression of Buddha Bodhisattva.

2.Purify body mouth meaning: Turn in consecrate before classics annulus, have body mouth idea purify, can date of pray to Buddha or silent reads aloud kosher heart, in order to purify a heart.

3.Make offerings to turn classics annulus: Will turn classics annulus is placed making offerings to stage or appropriative makes offerings to frame on, ignite censer next, put offerings, and piously to turn classics annulus salutes, express to respect.

4.Recite lection or classics cuss: Making offerings to turn classics annulus while, you can recite lection or classics cuss, in order to increase merits and virtues and blessing newspaper.

5.Illume the lamp illuminates: Making offerings to turn in the process of classics annulus, you also can illume the lamp illuminates, express to enlighten all living creatures, drive darkness.

6.Express one's thanks to leaves: Making offerings to after ending, can join a strike with the palm of the hand to turn classics annulus expresses to be thankful, leave the place that make offerings to gently next.

Make offerings to turn classics annulus can accumulate merits and virtues not only, also can foster pious to be mixed in earnest reading aloud, having important sense to cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine.
