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1. **清洁净化**:在供奉前,确保神龛或供桌是干净整洁的。可以用清水或淡盐水清洗神龛或供桌,并用柔软的布擦干。这有助于净化空间并为神灵的到来做好准备。

2. **摆放位置**:将香炉和神像摆放在尊贵的位置,通常是在家中的一个安静、清洁的角落。有些人选择将香炉和神像摆放在家庭的主要房间或客厅,而其他人则更喜欢将其放在卧室或书房。

3. **献上香烛**:在供奉时,点燃香炉中的香并献上蜡烛,表示对神灵的尊敬和敬意。可以选择一种清香的香或根据个人喜好选择特定的香味。

4. **祷告礼拜**:在献上香烛后,可以默默地或大声地向神灵祈祷或诵读经文。这是一个与神灵建立联系和表达感恩之情的时刻。

5. **定期供奉**:最好定期进行香炉神像的供奉,以保持与神灵的联系并获得神灵的庇佑和祝福。可以选择每天、每周或每月进行供奉,具体取决于个人的信仰和时间安排。



Consecrate censer God can be mixed according to the individual's belief traditional habit will undertake. Generally speaking, the following is the common practice of consecrate censer God:

1.** cleanness purifies ** : Before consecrate, ensure shrine or altar are clean and neat. Can clean shrine or altar with clear water or weak brine, wipe with soft cloth. This conduces to the incoming ready-made that purify a space and is deities.

2.** puts positional ** : Put censer and God in exalted position, it is a in the home quiet, clean corner normally. Choose of some person selected puts censer and God the main room in the family or sitting room, and someone else prefers to put its in bedroom or study.

3.** displays on ** of joss sticks and candles: When consecrate, in igniting censer sweet display cerated candle, show the respect to deities and respect. Can choose a kind of faint scent sweet or choose specific fragrance according to individual be fond of.

4.** of ** devotional chapel: In display on after joss sticks and candles, OK and silent the ground or aloud pray to deities or chant lection. This is a hour that establishs the condition that connection and expression are thankful with deities.

5.** of ** fixed consecrate: Had better undertake the consecrate of censer God regularly, bless in order to maintain with what contact and obtain deities of deities and bless. Can choose everyday, weekly or undertake consecrate every months, specific depend on the individual's belief and timeline.

No matter you choose which kinds of way, consecrate censer God should be a kind of devotional behavior, express the devoir to deities and the feeling that be thankful.
