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1. **准备供品:** 可以准备一些供品,如鲜花、水果、香烛、饭食等,用于供奉佛像或佛的画像。

2. **清洁准备:** 在供奉之前,要确保供奉的场所清洁整齐,可以清扫地面、擦拭供桌等。

3. **虔诚祈祷:** 在供奉时,可以默念或诵读经文,表达虔诚的祈祷和敬意。

4. **献供奉物:** 将准备好的供品摆放在供桌上,可以点燃香烛,献上鲜花和食物。

5. **感恩礼仪:** 在供奉完成后,可以合掌默默感恩,表达对佛的敬意和感激之情。



The way that consecrate all alone opens Buddha is OK will decide according to the individual's belief and tradition, but generally speaking, it is a few common practices below:

1.** plans offerings: ** can plan a few offerings, be like flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles, dietary etc, use at the picture of consecrate figure of Buddha or Buddha.

2.** cleanness prepares: ** is before consecrate, want to ensure the spatial cleanness of consecrate is orderly, can sweep the area, wipe altar to wait.

3.** prays piously: ** is when consecrate, can silent reads aloud or chant lection, express devotional prayer and respect.

4.** offers consecrate thing: ** puts ready offerings go up in altar, can ignite joss sticks and candles, display on flower and food.

5.** is thankful formal: ** is finished in consecrate hind, can add up to a palm to be thankful silently, express the devoir to Buddha and appreciative feeling.

These are a few basic methods only, effective consecrate way may is used to because of tradition of area, religion and individual and differ somewhat.
