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1. 食物:糯米、水果、肉类、鱼类等食物,可以根据祖先的口味选择。比如,烧烤、鱼类等常见于祭祀仪式中的食物。

2. 酒水:白酒、清酒等酒类,用来表示对祖先的尊敬和敬意。

3. 鲜花:可以选择祖先喜欢的花朵,如菊花、百合等,代表着对祖先的思念和祝福。

4. 香烛:可以点燃香烛,表示对祖先的虔诚和敬意,也有驱邪祛病的寓意。

5. 祭器:如香炉、祭台等,用来摆放祭品并进行祭拜。



The content of oblation is decided according to ancestral be fond of and familial tradition normally. Generally speaking, can include the following content:

1.Food: Polished glutinous rice, fruit, flesh kind, the food such as fish, can choose according to ancestral taste. For instance, barbecue, fish common the food in sacred ceremony.

2.Wine water: The wine such as liquor, clear wine kind, with the respect that will express pair of ancestors and devoir.

3.Flower: Can choose the flower that the ancestor likes, wait like chrysanthemum, lily, representing the longing to the ancestor and blessing.

4.Joss sticks and candles: Can ignite joss sticks and candles, those who express pair of ancestors is devotional with devoir, also have the implied meaning of exorcise dispel disease.

5.Sacrificial utensil: Wait like stage of censer, hold a memorial ceremony for, with will put oblation and do obeisance to into travel hold a memorial ceremony for.

When writing oblation, can state the affection of the respect to the ancestor and yearning, wish the ancestor gets in Tian Zhiling quiet and bless.
