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1. 准备祭品:根据信仰和传统,准备好要供奉的食物、饮品、花卉、香烛等物品。

2. 洁净自身:在拜祭之前,要求参与者洗净身体,保持清洁。

3. 敬拜仪式:安排好祭坛或神龛,在适当的时间和场合,集合家人或信徒,开始拜祭仪式。

4. 点燃香烛:在神像前点燃香烛,象征着虔诚的心意和祈祷之意。

5. 祭拜祈祷:向神像行礼,表达敬意,并进行祈祷,请求神灵保佑、庇护或解决问题。

6. 奉献祭品:将准备好的食物、饮品等奉献到神像前,表示尊敬和感恩。

7. 祈求祝福:在拜祭过程中,可以向神像祈求健康、幸福、平安等祝福。

8. 结束仪式:在祭祀完毕后,适当地结束仪式,可以再次行礼表示结束。



Consecrate God undertakes normally according to different religion and tradition. Generally speaking, the process of the God that do obeisance to hold a memorial ceremony for includes the following measure:

1.Plan sacrificial offerings: According to belief and tradition, prepare the article such as the food that wants consecrate, drink, flowers, joss sticks and candles.

2.Clean oneself: Before doing obeisance to hold a memorial ceremony for, requirement participator is abluent the body, keep clean.

3.Respect the type that do obeisance to appearance: Arrange good altar or shrine, in appropriate time and circumstance, gather family or believer, begin to do obeisance to cult type.

4.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Joss sticks and candles is ignited before God, indicative religious purpose and prayer meaning.

5.Bai Qi of hold a memorial ceremony for asks earnestly: Salute to God, expressive devoir, hand-in-hand travel prays, request deities is blessed, shelter or solve a problem.

6.Consecratory oblation: Go to the dedication such as ready food, drink before God, express to respect and be thankful.

7.Invocatory blessing: In the process that do obeisance to hold a memorial ceremony for, can petition to God healthy, happy, restful wait for a blessing.

8.End a ceremony: Be in sacred after ending, end a ceremony appropriately, can salute again express to end.

Those who need an attention is, different religion and area may exist difference, above measure offers reference only. In be operated actually, the religion that ought to be respected and abides by place is consuetudinary with the tradition.
