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1. **准备清洁**:在供奉之前,确保准备好清洁的地方,以便安置神像。清洁可以包括清扫地面、擦拭台面或供奉神龛。

2. **准备神龛或台座**:选择一个合适的地方来放置神像,可以是专门的神龛、供奉台或者一个特定的区域。确保这个地方干净整洁。

3. **准备供品**:准备一些供品,如鲜花、水果、香炉、香烛等,以示尊敬和供养。

4. **清洗神像**:用清水和柔软的布轻轻地擦拭神像,以表示尊重和清洁。

5. **点燃香烛**:点燃香炉和香烛,以表示虔诚和敬意。在点燃香烛之前,可以合上双手默念祷文或者祈祷。

6. **供奉祷告**:在供奉神像之前,可以默默地或大声地念诵祷告或祈祷词,表达虔诚和敬意。

7. **摆放供品**:把准备好的供品摆放在神像前,以示供养和尊敬。

8. **尊重神像**:在供奉神像的过程中,要保持安静和专注,尊重神灵的存在。

9. **感恩**:在供奉完毕后,表达感恩之情,感谢神明的庇佑和保佑。



Consecrate God is an old and majestic ceremony, the preparation with proper need and devotional. It is common step below:

1.** prepares clean ** : Before consecrate, ensure the place that prepares cleanness, so that find a place for God. Cleanness can include to sweep the area, wipe mesa or consecrate shrine.

2.** prepares shrine or entablement ** : Choose a proper place to place God, can be stage of special a shrine for idols or ancestral tablets, consecrate or a specific area. Ensure this place is clean and neat.

3.** prepares offerings ** : Plan a few offerings, wait like flower, fruit, censer, joss sticks and candles, be respected in order to show and make offerings to.

4.** cleans God ** : Wipe God gently with clear water and soft cloth, in order to express esteem and cleanness.

5.** ignites ** of joss sticks and candles: Ignite censer and joss sticks and candles, mix in order to express piously devoir. Before igniting joss sticks and candles, can add up to both hands silent to read aloud prayer to perhaps pray.

6.** of ** consecrate prayer: Before consecrate God, the ground or aloud recite prayer or can pray silently word, expression is mixed piously devoir.

7.** puts offerings ** : Put ready offerings before God, make offerings to in order to show and respect.

8.** respects God ** : In the process of consecrate God, should keep quiet and dedicated, respect the existence of deities.

9.** is thankful ** : After consecrate ends, express the feeling that be thankful, thank deities bless and bless.

These measure can undertake adjust and be modificationed according to the individual's belief and habit. Anyhow, want to undertake consecrate with be being mixed in earnest piously.
