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1. **准备神龛或祭坛:** 在家中选择一个清洁的地方,设置一个神龛或祭坛,用以安放海灯神像。

2. **清洁:** 清洁神龛或祭坛,并确保其周围没有杂物。

3. **摆放神像:** 将海灯神像小心地摆放在神龛或祭坛上,确保其位置稳固。

4. **点燃香烛:** 点燃香烛,可以是普通的蜡烛或专用的神香,献上虔诚的祈祷。

5. **供奉:** 可以将水、水果、花朵等作为供品摆放在神龛或祭坛前,表示虔诚和敬意。

6. **祈祷:** 向海灯神像祈祷,表达你的愿望、感恩或请求保佑。

7. **定期照料:** 定期更换供品、清洁神龛或祭坛,并持续进行祈祷和供奉,以保持与海灯神的联系。



Because the method of God of consecrate sea lamp is devotional with the tradition different, but include the following measure normally:

1.** prepares shrine or altar: ** chooses a clean place in the home, install a shrine or altar, in order to puts sea lamp God.

2.** cleanness: ** clean shrine or altar, ensure to be done not have all round its sundry.

3.** puts God: God puts lamp of ** general sea carefully to go up in shrine or altar, ensure its position is solid.

4.** ignites joss sticks and candles: ** ignites joss sticks and candles, can be common candle or appropriative god sweet, display on devotional prayer.

5.** consecrate: ** is OK wait for water, fruit, flower to be put as offerings before shrine or altar, express to be mixed piously devoir.

6.** prays: ** prays to sea lamp God, the desire that expresses you, be thankful or request to bless.

7.** attends regularly: ** changes regularly offerings, clean shrine or altar, undertake prayer mixing continuously consecrate, in order to maintain as magical as sea lamp connection.

These are run-of-mill measure only, particular consecrate kind may be mixed because of district traditional and differ somewhat.
