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1. 准备供品:准备一些财神喜欢的供品,比如水果、糖果、鲜花、香烛等。可以根据自己的喜好和传统习俗选择。

2. 摆放供品:在槐树下选择一个干净整洁的地方,摆放好准备好的供品。

3. 点燃香烛:点燃香烛,向财神祈求财运亨通,事业顺利。可以念诵祈愿文或者默默祈祷。

4. 祈祷:在心中默默地向财神祈求财运顺利,生意兴隆,家庭和睦,财富滚滚而来。

5. 虔诚感恩:在供奉结束后,表达感恩之情,向财神表示诚挚的敬意。



Mammon of pagoda tree consecrate can take the following step:

1.Plan offerings: Plan the offerings that a few mammon like, for instance fruit, candied, flower, joss sticks and candles. Can mix according to oneself be fond of traditional and consuetudinary choice.

2.Put offerings: A clean and neat place chooses below the pagoda tree, had put the offerings that get ready.

3.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, to mammon invocatory money carries be prosperous, the career is successful. Can recite invocatory article to pray silently perhaps.

4.Pray: Petition silently to mammon money fortune is great, the business is thriving, the family is harmonious, fortune billow and come.

5.Be thankful piously: After consecrate ends, express the feeling that be thankful, show cordial respect to mammon.

Consecrate mammon is a kind of belief is mixed consuetudinary, mix in sincere desire again devotional, hope above measure can provide a few reference for you.
