1. 准备祭品:根据你所信仰的仙家或者仙界的特点和习俗,选择合适的祭品。祭品可以包括水果、鲜花、香烛、美酒等,也可以是具有象征意义的物品。
2. 准备祭坛:在一个干净整洁的地方摆放祭坛,可以用一块布或者桌布铺设,然后将祭品摆放在上面。
3. 打扫净土:在进行供奉仪式之前,清洁祭坛和周围的环境,以示敬意和净化空间。
4. 点燃香烛:点燃香烛,烧香以示虔诚,同时也能够散发出一种神圣的气息。
5. 祷告致敬:在心中默念祷文或者诵读经文,表达对仙家的尊敬和祈愿。
6. 献上祭品:将准备好的祭品摆放在祭坛上,并且虔诚地向仙家献上。
7. 行礼谢恩:结束供奉仪式时,可以行一礼,向仙家表示感谢和敬意。
Home of consecrate celestial being has a lot of kind, can choose appropriate method according to the individual's belief and preference. Generally speaking, home of consecrate celestial being can include the following measure:
1.Plan sacrificial offerings: The celestial being home according to your place belief or the characteristic of celestial being bound and consuetudinary, choose appropriate oblation. Oblation can include fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles, beautiful wine to wait, also can be the article that has indicative sense.
2.Prepare altar: In clean and neat place puts altar, can use a cloth or antependium laid, place oblation superpose next.
3.Clean Sukhavati: Before undertaking consecrate ceremony, clean altar and the environment all round, with showing devoir is mixed purify a space.
4.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, burn joss sticks in order to show devotional, also can send out at the same time give a kind of divine flavor.
5.Devotional greeting: In the heart silent reads aloud prayer or chant lection, the respect that expresses pair of celestial being homes and invocatory.
6.Display on oblation: Put ready oblation go up in altar, and be displayed to celestial being home piously go up.
7.Salute Xie En: When ending consecrate ceremony, can salute, home Xiang Xian thankses and devoir.
The belief of everybody and practice kind differ possibly somewhat, can undertake be adjusted appropriately and metabolic according to individual circumstance so. The most important is devotional with sincere desire, just can get celestial being home so bless and shelter.