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1. **选择合适的神像:** 选择一尊代表瘟疫、疾病或医治的神像,如中国传统中的药王菩萨、关帝等。

2. **准备供品:** 准备供奉的物品,如鲜花、水果、香烛、酒、食物等。这些物品通常被视为表达尊敬和敬意的方式。

3. **清洁净化:** 在供奉之前,清洁和净化供奉的地点。可以使用清水或草药熏香来清洁空间,并且确保心态平静。

4. **安放神像:** 将选定的瘟神神像摆放在一个尊贵的位置,可以是专门的神龛、祭坛或者一个干净整洁的地方。

5. **点燃香烛:** 点燃香烛,象征着祈祷和尊敬。可以在神像前燃烧香烛,或者根据传统的仪式方式来进行。

6. **祈祷供奉:** 向瘟神祈祷,表达对其力量的尊敬和敬意。可以用自己的话语或者传统的祷文来表达。

7. **奉献供品:** 将准备好的供品摆放在神像前,作为对神明的奉献和尊敬。

8. **保持尊敬:** 在供奉过程中保持专注和尊敬的态度,避免无礼或者不敬的行为。



The method of God of consecrate god of plague is OK because of area and culture tradition different, but generally speaking, it is a few common step below:

1.** chooses appropriate God: ** chooses one honour the God that represents pestilential, disease or cure, if China is traditional medium medical king Bodhisattva, close the Supreme Being to wait.

2.** plans offerings: ** prepares the article of consecrate, wait like flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles, wine, food. These article are regarded as to express the kind of respect and devoir normally.

3.** cleanness purifies: ** is before consecrate, cleanness and the ground that purify consecrate are nodded. Can use clear water or medicinal herbs to fume sweet come clean space, and ensure state of mind is quiet.

4.** puts God: ** puts the God of god of plague of make choice of in an exalted position, can be special a shrine for idols or ancestral tablets, altar or a clean and neat place.

5.** ignites joss sticks and candles: ** ignites joss sticks and candles, symbolic move prays and respect. Burn joss sticks can be lighted to illuminate before God, perhaps undertake according to traditional ceremonial pattern.

6.** prays consecrate: ** prays to god of plague, express the respect of pair of its force and respect. The prayer with the traditional perhaps speech that can use oneself will convey.

7.** consecratory offerings: ** puts ready offerings before God, as the dedication to deities and respect.

8.** retains respect: ** keeps dedicated in consecrate process the manner with respect, avoid inurbane irreverent perhaps behavior.

Above measure can be mixed according to the individual's belief culture tradition undertakes adjust and metabolic, the key is in Yu Xincheng is clever, treat deities with awe-stricken heart.
