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1. **选择合适的位置:** 首先,选择一个清静幽雅的位置供奉佛像,最好是远离厕所和垃圾桶等不洁之处。

2. **清洁空间:** 在供奉佛像的地方保持清洁,可以用清水擦拭地面,并保持整洁。

3. **准备供品:** 准备供品,如水果、鲜花、香烛等,用来供养佛像。这些供品可以代表虔诚和敬意。

4. **摆放佛像:** 将佛像摆放在合适的位置,最好是高于其他物品的位置,以示尊敬。

5. **焚香供养:** 在供奉佛像时,可以点香,表示虔诚的心意。香烛的烟可以象征着心灵的升华。

6. **诵经礼拜:** 在供奉佛像时,可以诵经念佛,表达对佛陀的尊敬和信仰。

7. **保持敬意:** 在日常生活中要对待佛像怀有虔诚和敬意,不要随意触碰或移动佛像。



The figure of Buddha in consecrate home has a few basic measure normally:

1.** chooses proper place: ** above all, choose a quiet and quiet and tastefully laid out positional consecrate figure of Buddha, had better be to be far from the feculent place such as toilet and ash-bin.

2.** clean space: ** keeps clean in the place of consecrate figure of Buddha, can clean the ground with clear water, keep neat.

3.** plans offerings: ** plans offerings, wait like fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles, with will make offerings to figure of Buddha. These offerings can be represented mix piously devoir.

4.** puts figure of Buddha: ** puts figure of Buddha in proper place, had better be prep above the position of other goods, in order to show respect.

5.** censes make offerings to: ** is when consecrate figure of Buddha, can nod sweet, show devotional regard. The sublimate of the smoke of joss sticks and candles is OK and indicative heart.

6.Religious service of ** Song classics: ** is when consecrate figure of Buddha, can Song classics pray to Buddha, express the respect to Buddha and belief.

7.** retains respect: ** should treat figure of Buddha to have in daily life mix piously devoir, do not want optional lay a finger on or mobile figure of Buddha.

Above is the basic measure of the figure of Buddha in consecrate home, hope to be able to be helped somewhat to you.
