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1. **清洁**:在供奉之前,确保摩尼宝珠是干净的。可以用清水轻轻擦拭表面,去除灰尘和污垢。

2. **准备场所**:选择一个安静、清洁的地方来供奉摩尼宝珠,最好是一个专门的供奉区域或祭坛。

3. **摆放位置**:摩尼宝珠可以放在一个特殊的容器或底座上,也可以直接摆放在供奉区域的特定位置上。

4. **供奉仪式**:可以进行简单的供奉仪式,例如点燃香烛或者献上鲜花、水果等。可以同时祈祷或诵经。

5. **心诚意正**:在供奉摩尼宝珠时,保持虔诚的心态,表达自己的敬意和信仰。



Consecrate rub Ni Baozhu has a few traditional ways normally, can undertake choosing according to individual belief and preference. It is a few common methods below:

1.** clean ** : Before consecrate, ensure rub Ni Baozhu is clean. Can wipe the surface gently with clear water, purify dirt and bilge.

2.** prepares spatial ** : The place that chooses a quiet, cleanness comes consecrate rub Ni Baozhu, had better be a special consecrate section or altar.

3.** puts positional ** : Rub Ni Baozhu can be put on a special container or base, also can put directly in consecrate area specific locally.

4.** of ** consecrate ceremony: Can undertake simple consecrate ceremony, ignite joss sticks and candles to perhaps be displayed for example on flower, fruit. Can pray at the same time or Song classics.

5.** heart sincerity ** : In consecrate rub when Ni Baozhu, maintain devotional state of mind, express oneself devoir and belief.

These are a few basic guidance only, you can be mixed according to your belief the means that the tradition will come to adjust and change consecrate.
