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1. 准备神像:购买或制作一尊杨戬的神像。你可以选择在寺庙或商店购买,或者自己动手雕刻一尊。

2. 准备供品:准备一些供品,如水果、鲜花、香烛、酒等,用于供奉神像。这些供品可以代表虔诚和敬意。

3. 准备祭坛:选择一个安静、整洁的地方,摆放祭坛。在祭坛上放置红色或金色的布,用于放置神像和供品。

4. 安置神像:将杨戬的神像放置在祭坛上,可以用红色丝带或布将其固定,表示尊敬和敬畏。

5. 点燃香烛:点燃香烛,向神像祈祷。在祈祷时,表达对杨戬的尊敬、感激和祈愿。

6. 献上供品:将准备好的供品摆放在神像前,表示对神灵的奉献和供养。

7. 虔诚祈祷:闭上眼睛,用心祈祷,表达自己的心愿和希望,请求杨戬保佑和庇护。

8. 保持虔诚:定期进行祭祀,保持心怀敬畏和虔诚,与杨戬建立联系,并寻求他的指引和庇护。



God of consecrate poplar Jian needs a few ceremonies and preparative work. You can undertake according to the following measure:

1.Prepare God: Buy or make one honour Yang Jian's God. You can choose to be bought in cloister or shop, or oneself start work sculpture one honour.

2.Plan offerings: Plan a few offerings, wait like fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles, wine, use at consecrate God. These offerings can be represented mix piously devoir.

3.Prepare altar: Choose a quiet, neat place, put altar. Red or aureate cloth are placed on altar, use at placing God and offerings.

4.Find a place for God: Place Yang Jian's God go up in altar, can use red lacy or cloth secures his, state respect is mixed awe-stricken.

5.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, pray to God. When pray, the respect that expresses pair of Yang Jian, appreciate and invocatory.

6.Display on offerings: Put ready offerings before God, the dedication that shows pair of deities and make offerings to.

7.Pray piously: Close an eye, pray attentively, express oneself wish and hope, request to Yang Jian is blessed and shelter.

8.Keep devotional: Undertake regularly sacred, maintain state of mind awe-stricken and devotional, establish connection with Yang Jian, what seek him is how-to with shelter.

These measure can regard consecrate poplar Jian as the basic guideline of God, but specific ceremony and means may be mixed because of individual belief be used to and differ somewhat.
