1. **朝向**:牌位应该朝向房间的主要入口或者窗户,以示尊重和敬意。
2. **高度**:牌位应该放在适中的高度,一般放在桌子或者架子上,方便供奉和祭拜。
3. **整洁**:保持牌位周围的环境整洁,避免灰尘和杂物的堆积。
4. **摆放物品**:除了莲花牌位外,还可以配上香炉、香烛、水杯等供奉用品,以示虔诚和敬意。
5. **经常祭拜**:定期进行祭拜和供奉,表达对先人的思念和缅怀。
Consecrate lotus memorial tablet is put commonly in clean, quiet place, can choose sitting room, study or the position such as the dormitory. Of memorial tablet put should notice the following:
1.** front ** : Memorial tablet should face towards the main entrance of the room or window, in order to show esteem and respect.
2.** height ** : Memorial tablet should be put in the height of moderate, put in the table commonly or on frame, convenient consecrate and hold a memorial ceremony for are done obeisance to.
3.** neat ** : Maintain the environment all round memorial tablet neat, prevent dirt and sundry accumulation.
4.** puts article ** : Besides lotus memorial tablet, still can deserve to go up the consecrate things such as cup of censer, joss sticks and candles, water, mix in order to show piously devoir.
5.** often hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to ** : Undertake hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to regularly with consecrate, convey the longing to forefathers and recall.
Above is a few put a principle basically, individual belief and habit have specific ground adjust.