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1. 准备香炉:选择一个安全的香炉,确保它稳固并且不易倾倒。可以选择金属、陶瓷或石头等材质的香炉。

2. 准备香炭:在香炉中放置一块香炭,用火点燃香炭。待香炭冒出微烟后,表示已经点燃成功。

3. 选取香燃:在香炭上放置一根香燃,等待香燃燃烧至一半左右,然后吹灭火焰,让香燃继续冒烟。

4. 上香:拿起一根香,用手捏住香燃的燃烧部分,然后轻轻点燃香燃,待香火燃起后,用手扇动香烟,使其稳定燃烧。

5. 致敬:将点燃的香插入香炉中,同时合掌向神灵行礼,并默念祈祷或表达敬意。

6. 祈愿:在心中默念自己的祈愿或愿望,向神灵祈求保佑和庇护。

7. 结束:待香烟慢慢燃尽后,表示仪式结束。可以留下香炉供奉或将其安放在特定的地方。



Go up to deities sweet it is a kind of common ritual, include the following measure normally:

1.Prepare censer: Choose a safe censer, ensure it is firm and not easy dump. Can choose the censer with metal, pottery and porcelain or qualitative material of stone first class.

2.Prepare sweet charcoal: A sweet charcoal is placed in censer, ignite sweet charcoal with fire. Wait for sweet charcoal to appear after small smoke, express to had ignited a success.

3.Choose sweet light: One is placed on sweet charcoal sweet light, await sweet light combustion to be controlled to the half, blow blaze of put out a fire next, let sweet light continue fumy.

4.Go up sweet: Take sweet, hold with the hand sweet burning combustion portion, ignite gently next sweet light, after waiting for burning incense to be lighted, with hand fan cigarette, make its stabilize combustion.

5.Greeting: What will ignite is sweet in inserting censer, add up to a palm to salute to deities at the same time, and silent reads aloud to pray or express respect.

6.Invocatory: Read aloud oneself in the silent in the heart invocatory or desire, petition to bless and shelter to deities.

7.End: After waiting for cigarette to be lighted slowly, state the ceremony ends. Can leave censer consecrate or put its in specific place.

Above is the sweet measure on general consecrate deities, specific ceremony may because devotional or religion is traditional consuetudinary and differ somewhat.
