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1. 准备一个清洁的供桌或供台,确保其位置高于地面,以示尊敬。
2. 在供桌上铺上干净的桌布或毛巾。
3. 将珊瑚观音佛像放置在供桌的中央位置,佛像的面朝向房间的门口,以示欢迎和保护。
4. 在佛像前摆放鲜花、水果、香炉和香烛,表示虔诚的供养和尊敬。
5. 在每天的特定时间,比如早晨或晚上,向佛像虔诚地献上香、烛和水,并诵读经文或祈愿语。
6. 定期清洁和打理供桌和佛像,保持其清洁和整洁。



The means of figure of Buddha of consecrate coral avalokitesvara can be mixed according to the individual's belief traditional and consuetudinary and different. Generally speaking, you can undertake according to the following measure:

1.The altar that prepares a cleanness or offer a desk, ensure ground of its position prep above, in order to show respect.
2.In the clean antependium on altar upper berth or towel.
3.Set coral avalokitesvara figure of Buddha the central position in altar, the doorway of the face front room of figure of Buddha, in order to show welcome and protection.
4.Flower, fruit, censer and joss sticks and candles are put before figure of Buddha, express to make offerings to piously and be respected.
5.Be in everyday specific time, for instance morning or in the evening, display piously to figure of Buddha on sweet, candle and water, and chant lection or invocatory language.
6.Fixed cleanness and do altar and figure of Buddha, maintain its cleanness and neat.

Above is the familiar pattern of figure of Buddha of avalokitesvara of general consecrate coral, but particular way may because of area, consuetudinary differ devotionally with the individual and somewhat difference.
